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A Guide to Using an Amsler Grid for Monitoring Vision at Home

An Amsler grid is a simple yet powerful tool used to monitor central vision at home. It's particularly useful for individuals with macular degeneration or other retinal conditions. Regular use of the Amsler grid can help detect changes in vision early, allowing for timely intervention by healthcare professionals. This guide will walk you through how to effectively use an Amsler grid to monitor your vision at home.

Image courtesy of the National Eye Institute (NEI)

Step 1: Obtain an Amsler Grid

  • You can obtain an Amsler grid from your eye care professional, or you may find printable versions online.

  • Ensure that the grid is printed on white paper with clear, crisp lines and a solid black dot at the center.

Step 2: Prepare Your Environment

  • Find a well-lit area in your home where you can comfortably sit and focus on the grid.

  • Make sure you have your reading glasses or any corrective lenses you normally use.

Step 3: Position Yourself Correctly

  • Hold the Amsler grid at a comfortable reading distance, typically about 12-14 inches away from your face.

  • Keep the grid at eye level, ensuring that it's parallel to the ground.

Step 4: Cover One Eye

  • If you're testing one eye at a time, use your hand or an eye patch to cover one eye while you focus on the grid with the other.

  • Alternatively, you can test both eyes together by keeping both eyes open.

Step 5: Focus on the Center Dot

  • Fixate your gaze on the central black dot in the middle of the grid.

  • Ensure that your eye remains steady and does not move around while you're looking at the dot.

Step 6: Observe the Grid

  • While maintaining your focus on the center dot, pay attention to the grid's surrounding lines and squares.

  • Notice if any of the lines appear wavy, distorted, blurry, or missing.

  • Also, watch for any dark or blank spots, which may indicate areas of missing or reduced vision.

Image courtesy of the National Eye Institute (NEI)

Step 7: Repeat the Test

  • Perform the same procedure with the other eye if you're testing one eye at a time.

  • If you're testing both eyes together, continue to observe the grid for any changes or abnormalities.

Step 8: Record Your Findings

  • Keep a record of your observations, noting any changes or abnormalities you noticed during the test.

  • Record the date of each test to track any changes in your vision over time.

Step 9: Consult Your Eye Care Professional

  • If you notice any changes in your vision while using the Amsler grid, contact your eye care professional immediately.

  • Your eye care professional can further evaluate your vision and determine the appropriate course of action, which may include additional testing or treatment.


Regular use of the Amsler grid is a valuable self-monitoring tool for individuals with retinal conditions. By following these simple steps and regularly testing your vision at home, you can help detect changes early and take proactive steps to preserve your vision. Remember to consult your eye care professional if you notice any abnormalities or changes in your vision.

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